Retirement Planscape uncovers the most important trends in the plan sponsor market and benchmarks the leading DC plan providers and DC investment managers on key brand equity and experience metrics to help firms grow market share and strengthen plan sponsor loyalty despite market disruption.
FEATURING MAXDIFF: Anchored MaxDiff is an effective technique for determining how a group of different factors (in this case, brand imagery attributes) stack up relative to one another within a choice set. Because the MaxDiff technique forces respondents to make trade-offs, this allows us to uncover what is truly vital to DC plan provider and DC investment manager consideration.
The report will enable subscribers to:
Maximize Revenue
Monitor key drivers of plan sponsor consideration to retain current clients and acquire new business
Measure Loyalty & Momentum
Determine which levers to pull to build loyalty with current plan sponsors to maximize brand momentum
Understand Plan Sponsor Needs
Identify product and service offerings plan sponsors are looking for to increase satisfaction
Plan Sponsor Mindset
Plan Design and Financial Wellness
Plan Provider Relationships
Plan Provider Brand Equity, Use and Satisfaction
Investment Menu Design
DC Investment Manager Brand Equity, Use and Satisfaction
Publication Date: May 2025