Outages are inevitable but they don’t have to negatively impact your energy brand. In fact, our data show that an outage that is proactively communicated and resolved can actually build customer loyalty and lead to more engaged customer relationships.
Outage Experience & Reliability will tap into our wealth of consumer data to uncover how actual reliability and utility communication influences customer perceptions of reliability. In addition, the report will dig into what makes a successful customer outage experience, including preferred channels and the information customers are looking for as well as how to think about setting estimated times of restoration.
The report will enable subscribers to:
Understand Outage Impact
Understand what parts of the outage experience have the biggest impact on customer perceptions
Learn From the Best in Class
Learn how leading utilities have created an exemplary outage experience for their customers
Benchmark Your Utility
Benchmark your outage performance against leading utilities
Service Satisfaction Factors
Outage Diagnostics
Reliable Quality Factors
Publication Date: July 2022