An assessment of the attitudes and behaviors of women in the retirement industry show there are bright spots in their roles, relationships and compensation. However, there is plenty of opportunity for both employers and employees to emphasize and create structures around the things that matter most.

What's in the white paper?

In the fall of 2020, WE Inspire. Promote. Network. (WIPN) and Escalent, along with sponsor OneDigital Retirement + Wealth, embarked on a first-of-its-kind assessment of the attitudes, experiences, behaviors and perceptions women in the retirement industry hold about their roles, relationships and compensation. This white paper includes highlights from that research, including:

  • The importance of defined career paths
  • How to amplify the percieved value of networking and mentorships
  • Bridging diversity, equity, inclusion and job satisfaction
  • Insights on compensation
  • Challenging a "fitting it all in" perspective